Jackson Teal
Jackson Teal began his musical journey by learning to play guitar and various instruments in a small town in South Carolina, initially as a pastime. It was during his service in the United States Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment that he discovered his passion for songwriting, collaborating with a fellow friend in the barracks. This led him to purchasing his first audio interface, a new chapter unfolded, leading him to delve into the intricate world of music production. Inspired by iconic artists such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Tame Impala, Frank Ocean, and more, Jackson found himself captivated by the art of sound replication. His dedication to honing his craft prompted him to expand his gear collection, a commitment that solidified his decision to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in "Recording Arts" at Full Sail University. Today, Jackson remains committed to collaborating with emerging artists, guiding them in realizing their unique sonic identities in order to leave a footprint in our world.